hey fuckers are we gonna do anything interesting today
yeah no
yeah thats what i thought
Ty, give me a second to respond!
Maybe we will, maybe not. I don't know.
like i said thats what i thought
no plans no ideas
bored as shit
id like to think every day is interesting
That's the spirit, Wis!
By the way, Wis...could we make a separate Evielog later?
Still have something I need to tell you.
yeah sure
can i join it
Fuck no, it's private.
damn it
anyone got any ideas
Well, I did find a shortcut to Kadeville
yvonne i read your article we are not going hunting for the spooky carmen winstead in real life ghost
Aww shucks, you read my articles? How considerate, Ty.
well shit
I agree with Yvonne. We should head over to Kadeville.
That article does hold some truth.
matt you cant believe that shit
i thought you were the smart one
i dunno what you guys are talking about but ill go along anyway
also whos carmen winstead
oh. you dont know who carmen winstead is lol
Ty don't post the fucking image
okay yeah no i agree that shits legitimately a bit scary
To explain things: Carmen Winstead, from my knowledge, is a fictional character used in chain emails that was bullied by a group of girls until they pushed her into a sewer?
Which, honestly, I can see the parallels. Won't be factchecking anything, since even looking Carmen Winstead up pulls up the image. And as Ty said, the image is actually pretty frightening.
Oh, the cat image.
I don't see what's so annoying about it, Yvonne.
yeah yvonne not even the smart guy finds the cat annoying
kitty cat :3
Can we just talk about Jericho Kersey now? You know, the reason I brought up Kadeville in the first place?
Yes, that would be ideal.
First of all, go read Yvonne's article on Jericho.
oh no
poor girl
Yeah, that would be my first reaction reading the article without prior knowledge, either.
But do take into account that all of it is alleged.
yeah and also its not fucking real
jericho never existed nor does she exist right now
that is literally an image of just some girl
Shut up, Ty! There are records of her attending the school, you know.
Not to mention all of the secondhand accounts, the OTHER images of her, just everything proves that she was real.
There's nothing confirming the abuse and all of the bullying for sure, though. That's all.
source: the internet told me
im confused
Ty, she is correct. There are records of her existence.
you fuckers are kooked out im gonna go smoke crack like a normal person
bye bye ty
Good riddance, asshat.